Tokyo Ghoul episode 2 discussion/reaction/comments by Japanese users


Tokyo Ghoul episode 2 discussion/reaction/comments by Japanese users

Video time (Minutes:seconds): comments

00:00 : You guys are fast, lol.
00:01 : Hey.
00:01 : Nice butt ♪
00:02 : Hey.
00:03 : 1.
00:04 : ;(;゙゚’ω゚’); Ahhh!
00:04 : 2D.
00:05 : Erotic.
00:06 : It’s here.
00:07 : Hyahha.
00:09 : ← Hinami-chan the great angel, I strongly agree. And the bonus with Hinami-chan and Touka was the best.
00:13 : Is it so bad that it makes you cry…?
00:14 : So delicious it makes you cry.
00:16 : Ohhhhh.
00:17 : It’s delicious!
00:18 : Tsuwari-tsu!
00:19 : Episode 1 was the best for masochists, so I have high hopes.
00:21 : Heavy.
00:22 : The “Nishiki is gonna die” episode.
00:24 : ??? “I’m human!!!”
00:29 : Thank you!!!
00:30 : Thank you!
00:32 : Fujimiya-san is too violent (tears).
00:33 : Looks painful.
00:34 : Thank you!!
00:34 : Phew.
00:35 : A combo even Kiryu-chan would be surprised by.
00:36 : 7-1.
00:36 : Touka-chan, lick lick.
00:37 : Phew…
00:38 : Visible.
00:38 : Fujimiya-san is erotic.
00:39 : Ahh, irresistible.
00:40 : What are you exactly (philosophy)?
00:40 : Beautiful legs.
00:41 : Visible.
00:42 : Nice legs.
00:42 : Visible.
00:43 : Please, more intensely, and insult me more filthily, I’m excited (p′Д`;) (p′Д`q) excited.
00:44 : Huh?
00:45 : Ahhh… that’s me in my school days ;;.
00:45 : Touka-chan is cute.
00:45 : In the manga, she’s wearing a skirt with her uniform…
00:46 : Let’s contact the Kids’ Phone Consultation Room.
00:46 : Fujimiya-san is scary ;;.
00:47 : Help me, Kaworu-kun…
00:50 : The protagonist humbly seeking guidance before overwhelming power.
00:55 : The worst is the best, brother.
00:57 : It’s delicious.
00:58 : Fujimiya-san forgot again…
00:59 : Bare legs, lick lick.
01:11 : Touka-chan, lick lick.
01:13 : “CCG” is an organization that hunts ghouls. They will appear from next week.
01:13 : So sad (´;ω;`).
01:14 : Kaneki’s instant teleportation.
01:15 : GCG… Geist Crusher, maybe?
01:16 : Please don’t call it CCB, lol.
01:20 : I wanted Yui Ishikawa to voice Touka-chan.
01:22 : Then she’d just be Mikasa, lol.
01:27 : Too dark, lol.
01:28 : So dark.
01:29 : Did she throw a head at him?
01:32 : Don’t get mad ;;.
01:35 : Spinning round and round ♪ Spinning round and round ♪.
01:38 : Fuuuwaaahh!
01:38 : Stomach voice.
01:39 : Daimidaler showed TKB, but this has gore…
01:40 : Use your stomach to project your voice.
01:41 : Use your diaphragm to project your voice.
01:42 : The OP is pretty good.
01:43 : Use your stomach to project your voice.
01:44 : Stomach voice.
01:45 :      Who’s there?

01:48 : Someone with thick nerves is here, lol.
01:49 :     It’s broken, it’s broken.

01:50 : It was so dark I couldn’t really tell.
01:53 : I like the atmosphere.
01:55 : Use your stomach to project your voice.
01:56 :     You’re laughing.

01:56 : You’re laughing.
01:57 : (*´∀`)<You’re laughing~.
01:57 : ※ Recorded at home.
01:58 : Serious response, lol.
01:59 : You’re laughing, lol.
02:00 : Didn’t notice last week, but Rize-san has thick eyebrows like Mugi and Chaika.
02:01 : Heroine contrast.
02:02 : ↓ The craftsman is amazing.
02:07 : What is this, some singer (lol)?
02:09 : If Tokyo is like this, what’s happening in Fukuoka?
02:11 : People are commenting about the stomach voice, but the song matches the anime’s atmosphere.
02:13 : Was it Psycho-Pass with the hard-to-hear OP?
02:14 : Use your stomach to project!
02:19 :      Hold your breath.

02:21 :  
02:22 : Uta-san is the best~.
02:22 : Stomach voice.
02:23 :  


Can’t break it?

02:24 :  


Can’t go mad?

02:25 :  

      Can’t go mad?

02:26 :  

Found you.

02:29 : Use your stomach to project.
02:30 : You can do it if you try!
02:31 : You can do it if you try.
02:32 : What’s with this flow, lol.
02:33 : *Can’t see anymore.

02:34 : You guys are the best.
02:34 : Damn, you guys, lol.
02:36 : Red spider lily?
02:37 : Shigure?
02:38 : Sunglasses: “……”.
02:39 : What are these comments, lol. The best!
02:39 : You can do it if you try!
02:40 : You guys are the best, lol.
02:41 : Mode Academy.
02:42 : Cool.
02:43 : The comments, lol. So heartwarming, you guys are the best, lol.
02:47 : The lyrics are tear-jerking.
02:49 : The best, lol.
02:51 : This is reversed.
02:54 : Can they show this person?
02:55 : You guys are the best, lol.
02:55 : If the protagonist awakens in one cour, that’s a lot to fit in.
03:03 : Kaneki’s mask is cool.
03:03 : White hair means they’ll do it… torture ;;.
03:04 : Massage complete with mikan!
03:05 : Bubobo (`;ω;´) Mwah.
03:06 : My stomach is ghouling (pun intended).
03:10 : Bubobo (`;ω;´) Mwah.
03:21 : Iron claw.
03:31 : Self-sufficiency is fine.
03:32 : This angle is nice.
03:33 : Visible.
03:34 : If it were a skirt.
03:34 : Hanchoppari.
03:35 : In the original, it’s a skirt.
03:36 : In the original, it’s a skirt.
03:37 : Please, a skirt!
03:38 : In the original, this scene has a skirt.
03:38 : Kaneki: “I-I saw it!”
03:39 : ※ In the original, she was wearing a skirt at this time.
03:40 : Not a skirt!
03:40 : Try pulling it to the limit?
03:42 : Oh, nice angle.
03:42 : A professional masochist would touch the thigh here to get punished.
03:43 : Nice legs.
03:46 : Irresistible, sis.
03:48 : I saw… Fujimiya-san’s…
03:52 : Yoshimura-san… seeing this now… makes me cry…
03:54 : She’s not an angel… ;;.
03:58 : Having Touka-chan do this to me is too much of a reward.
04:05 : So, what happened to the corpse?
04:10 : How do you manage to serve delicious cakes?
04:13 : The coffee looks delicious.
04:14 : This cafe is too much of a den of evil.
04:15 : It’s ghoulish, just like ghouls.
04:16 : Did they cut the literary expression of bad taste again?
04:17 : I was staring at myself.
04:18 : They’re kind to their own kind.
04:18 : The coffee brewed by Yomo-san is the best.
04:23 : Sugo-san’s voice is the best.
04:26 : Made of blood, huh.
04:27 : By the way, look at this coffee, what do you think?
04:29 : It’s really… big.
04:30 : Very… big.
04:31 : Very big.
04:32 : Uho.
04:35 : You’d think?
04:36 : Very… big.
04:37 : Blood?
04:40 : Huh? Is it something special?
04:41 : “What do you think of this?” “It looks… delicious…”
04:47 : Homage to Ken Takakura’s drink in “The Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness.”
04:48 : You’ll burn yourself.
04:50 : Delicious~ delicious~.
04:53 : Yum! Delicious!
04:54 : Is Starbucks a sponsor?
04:55 : Yum, delicious. Master’s coffee… the best!
04:55 : Gochiusa is so healing.
04:56 : Zawa…
04:57 : ;;.
04:58 : (´;ω;`).
04:59 : OC.
05:00 : Très bien.
05:00 : Tears…
05:01 : Why?
05:05 : Master, make me a tear-jerking cocktail.
05:05 : In the original, it’s not explained why they can drink only coffee.
05:06 : Maybe because it’s a bit chuuni (random guess).
05:07 : Oh.
05:09 : Is that so?
05:16 : I wonder why?
05:17 : Then, can they drink latte or coffee with milk?
05:18 : As expected, the manager’s coffee is… the best!
05:20 : Just eat coffee beans.
05:21 : Are?
05:23 : They eat coffee beans but it doesn’t fill their stomach, so they brew it and drink it, lol.
05:23 : I’m a tea person, this is hopeless.
05:24 : Harsh on tea lovers.
05:31 : Anteiku.
05:38 : Stability zone.
05:49 : Oh, so that’s why.
05:52 : Doctorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
05:54 : He was a good soldier…
05:58 : Rize ;;.
06:01 : Coffee… Rize… ugh, ughhh… (tears).
06:03 : What the…
06:06 : Rize-chan ;;.
06:09 : Shiny.
06:10 : Bubobo (`;ω;´) Mwah.
06:13 : Super express diarrhea.
06:14 : Ugh.
06:16 : Grrrrrrrr.
06:17 : Bubobo (`;ω;´) Mwah.
06:19 : Google.
06:21 : Didn’t he have a rejection reaction?
06:27 : Going, going, going, going.
06:28 : Don’t say “going,” lol.
06:31 : It came smoothly, lol.
06:32 : Night sky?
06:33 : Meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat.
06:34 : Erotic.
06:36 : ;(;゙゚’ω゚’);.
06:36 : Hanazawa is the best!
06:37 : Erotic.
06:38 : Erotic.
06:41 : Hanazawa-san.
06:42 : Mikuuuuuuuuuuuu.
06:42 : Erotic.
06:43 : I like this pose.
06:43 : So erotic.
06:44 : Hanazawa-san is erotic~.
06:45 : Erotic.
06:45 : Lounging leopard pose.
06:46 : So erotic.
06:47 : Erotic.
06:48 : “I’m pressing against you.”
06:49 : Hanazawa-san is erotic.
06:50 : Erotic.
06:51 : Erotic.
06:52 : Erotic.
06:52 : Fish: “I don’t get it.”
06:54 : Too erotic, lol.
06:55 : Erotic.
06:55 : Can’t stop, won’t stop.
06:56 : Better than steak?
06:58 : Oh, tough.
06:59 : Erotic.
06:59 : Speaking clearly while sticking your tongue out is tough.
07:00 : Ghouls can’t taste steak, yet they mention it.
07:01 : So they know the taste of steak and find it somewhat delicious. It’s relatively easy, isn’t it?
07:02 : Niku, niku, niku, niku.
07:02 : Phew…
07:03 : Hanazawa-san’s meat…
07:03 : Wonderful voice.
07:04 : You’ll get wall banged, lol.
07:05 : The way she says it is erotic, lol.
07:06 : ← Then you’ll make girls’ hearts flutter. Leopalace? Never heard of it.
07:07 : Phew…
07:08 : Erotic.
07:09 : Rize-san presses her boobs against you at every turn. So enviable.
07:10 : Loud enough for the neighbors to wall bang.
07:11 : Making such loud noises, you’ll definitely get wall banged.
07:11 : Erotic.
07:12 : With this much noise, not just wall banging but a police report.
07:13 : Lucky pervert.
07:19 : Hanazawa-san is erotic, lol.
07:20 : Wall banging originally meant that, right? Who spread the current meaning?
07:23 : Tch.
07:27 : Lonely death, lol.
07:29 : Chuunibyou?
07:30 : Hidesuki.
07:35 : Hide is a good guy.
07:36 : Hide, live on.
07:37 : This Hide is a good Hide.
07:40 : Lonely, lol.
07:41 : Good guy.
07:45 : Isn’t that Yaeko from Terra Formars?
07:50 : Bug, lol.
07:52 : This is definitely going in, right?
07:53 : A character to save the Oh! My Goddess refugees.
07:56 : Is Hide… going to be eaten…?
07:59 : Hide is a good guy.
08:00 : If lonely, you’ll die.
08:01 : Saving the Gochiusa refugees.
08:04 : Oh, if you’re a rabbit, hop around (tearful).
08:05 : Hide, I like you.
08:06 : Stylish.
08:07 : Hide’s kindness (;;).
08:08 : Always in heat.
08:09 : Stylish, lol.
08:10 : School festival committee member, lol.
08:16 : Let’s eat Hide.
08:17 : Hide is so kind it makes me cry.
08:19 : So far, lol.
08:20 : Déjà vu, lol.
08:21 : Flashback.
08:24 : So kind it makes me cry.
08:24 : No growth at all…
08:26 : Makes me cry.
08:27 : Flashback.
08:28 : Sho-tan, lick lick.
08:33 : This makes me cry.
08:35 : A true friend.
08:38 : Hide is so kind it makes me cry.
08:41 : Hide is too kind (´;ω;`).
08:43 : Were they not dating?
08:44 : Ah.
08:51 : Ah.
08:51 : If I don’t dig and get dug, I can’t keep it up.
08:52 : Is Hide a ghoul too?
08:54 : This season’s Kiryu role: Eirou Nagachika.
08:55 : Good guy.
08:56 : Food = dead flesh.
08:58 : Hide, don’t die.
09:00 : (´;ω;`).
09:01 : Food = Hide.
09:04 : The clever deduction scene was cut too.
09:05 : The best person in the story.
09:12 : Niku, niku, niku, niku.
09:13 : Ah… (´;ω;`).
09:13 : Hide, stay alive.
09:14 : “You look pale” is not the same as being perceptive, lol.
09:15 : ;;.
09:17 : If Hide was a ghoul, that would be amazing.
09:18 : ●REC.
09:23 : Phew…
09:24 : Erotic.
09:24 : !?
09:25 : Erotic.
09:25 : !?
09:26 : Erotic.
09:27 : !?
09:27 : Erotic.
09:29 : Erotic.
09:30 : Erotic.
09:32 : REC REC.
09:33 : Ah…
09:33 : Erotic.
09:34 : Uff…
09:34 : !?
09:36 : Knock first ;;.
09:37 : Turned down the volume.
09:39 : Pervert, lol.
09:40 : What are you doing at university, you perverts?
09:41 : Erotic.
09:41 : Wow.
09:44 : Exactly.
09:45 : Nishiki!!!!!!!
09:47 : Adachiiii.
09:52 : He’s a ghoul too, right?
09:52 : Why is everyone moving so smoothly?
09:53 : There he is…
09:55 : Pervert, lol.
09:56 : Ah…
09:58 : Ah.
09:59 : Nagachika.
10:01 : He’s a ghoul, right?
10:02 : No way, lol.
10:03 : Hmmm.
10:04 : Hmmm.
10:09 : Gyaaaaaaa!
10:10 : What an evil look.
10:11 : Looks like Light Yagami.
10:12 : The eyes, lol.
10:14 : Nice physique.
10:15 : Light, lol.
10:20 : This guy too… recently… poor guy ;;.
10:30 : He’s inviting him.
10:37 : He’s going to get dug.
10:39 : Boom ☆.
10:41 : Hide is going to get eaten (literally).
10:45 : Scary.
10:47 : Scaryyyyy.
10:49 : The part where he touches his jaw was cut.
10:50 : This is not good.
10:51 : KREVA?
10:53 : If Hide is a ghoul and using himself as bait to catch Kaneki, I’ll cry.
11:05 : Too direct, lol.
11:06 : It was obvious, lol.
11:10 : Ghouls are drawn to each other.
11:18 : Ki, it’s Kichijoji!!
11:21 : Kukai?
11:25 : Geodude: “Welcome.”
11:30 : So kind (sarcasm).
11:33 : Is the 20th ward Kichijoji?
11:35 : Isn’t that horse manure?
11:36 : Harassment.
11:42 : Harassment, lol.
11:43 : Deserted place = He’s inviting him.
11:46 : Familiar scenery makes me focus on the background…
11:50 : Ohhh.
11:53 : Ohhhhh.
11:55 : Huh?
12:01 : Good actor.
12:02 : Give me back UDK ;;.
12:03 : The background is nice.
12:08 : Why can he eat it?
12:12 : Dooooooooon.
12:13 : His organs should be ruptured with that force.
12:14 : Why can he eat it?
12:16 : What are you doing to Hide… that’s cruel.
12:18 : Ehhhh, lol.
12:22 : Hide, that’s cruel!
12:24 : Hide… (´;ω;`).
12:24 : Hideeee.
12:26 : Hideee.
12:28 : Don’t tell Hanazawa-san she smells…
12:30 : That’s cruel!
12:34 : Mggfrx.
12:39 : Hideous…
12:40 : Asanuma’s sleazy acting is the best, lol.
12:42 : Voice actors, project more.
12:44 : Asanuma is the best, lol.
12:45 : Erotic.
12:46 : What is this guy…
12:47 : Ryona lover.
12:50 : “I’m different from you!”
12:51 : “You wouldn’t understand!” (crying).
12:52 : ??? “I’m different from you.”
12:53 : “You wouldn’t understand!” (crying).
12:54 : Prime Minister Yoshida… nostalgic.
12:56 : Mixing in Nonaka, lol.
12:57 : Debating between Fukuda and Nonaka for the comment, lol.
12:59 : That’s not it, that’s not it.
13:08 : Tofu physique.
13:10 : Not tofu, it’s Touka.
13:12 : If a knife can’t cut him, is his body fragile..?
13:14 : Is his body harder than a knife?
13:17 : Tofu physique, lol.
13:18 : A ghoul’s body itself is a weapon, and their reflexes are high.
13:21 : He ate him.
13:22 : The birth of Mr. Horse Manure.
13:26 : Horse manure.
13:28 : ※ Ghouls undergo training from childhood to eat the same food as humans and vomit it before it’s digested to blend into human society.
13:30 : Even if you swallow without chewing, it’s no good?
13:34 : If they don’t vomit, they’ll get sick.
13:36 : Vomited.
13:37 : Wasteful.
13:41 : Hey, lol.
13:45 : Is it okay to follow him so easily, I…
13:49 : Wonderfully sleazy, lol.
13:49 : It’s a drink.
13:50 : Which leg do you want? lol.
13:50 : Isn’t he a virgin?
13:51 : Then let’s eat the girl’s meat too.
13:53 : Stop it…
13:55 : Sleazy, lol.
13:56 : Stop it (´;ω;`).
13:57 : Nonaka.
13:59 : If he tries, he won’t lose to Touka or Yomo.
14:01 : If only his bag had a boost…
14:02 : Strong.
14:03 : Where is this, lol.
14:04 : His legs are longggggggggggggggggg.
14:06 : Strong.
14:08 : Strong.
14:08 : Hide’s endurance as a demon is the best.
14:11 : Uho!
14:17 : Is it okay to have sex with livestock?
14:19 : I don’t think cows and pigs look tasty, lol.
14:30 : There is a species called ghouls.
14:43 : Did he want to lecture him?
14:56 : Having long legs is nice.
15:07 : It grows erotically.
15:08 : It sprouted from his crotch!
15:09 : This character looks like he’s going to die.
15:10 : Where did that come from?
15:10 : Front tail?
15:11 : Erotic.
15:12 : Asanuma mama did voice one of the penguins, lol.
15:16 : The color of the kagune is different from the image.
15:17 : Ope, lick lick.
15:17 : Awake.
15:34 : Cute.
15:35 : (´;ω;`) Ugh…
15:36 : Hide (´;ω;`).
15:40 : Looks just like Killua.
15:41 : (´;ω;`) Bwaah, Hide.
15:44 : Good kid.
15:44 : Hide (´;ω;`).
15:45 : Cried for Hide.
15:47 : Hide is so kind it makes me tear up.
15:48 : Not in a lewd way!
15:48 : Makes me tear up, good Hide.
15:49 : Cute (;ω;).
15:50 : Hideyoshi!
15:50 : Wonderful communication skills.
15:51 : Hide is a good guy.
15:53 : Is he Hideyoshi?
15:54 : So kind it makes me cry.
15:54 : Hide is a good guy.
15:55 : He was a good guy back then.
15:55 : “Elementary school kids are the best” was originally said about a loli, lol.
15:56 : Such a good guy (´;ω;`).
15:57 : An endlessly good guy ;;.
15:58 : Hide, lick lick.
15:58 : Makes me cry.
15:59 : Zawa zawa…
16:04 : This makes me cry.
16:05 : Gotta save him!!!
16:06 : Awakening.
16:08 : Protagonist protection.
16:09 : Shaft angle.
16:20 : It should match well with him, but Kaneki’s kagune has Rize’s scales, making it much more powerful.
16:21 : This awakening will make you cry in the later parts.
16:22 : Oh, are you okay?
16:23 : He looks like he’s going to die from that.
16:24 : Tail kagune should match well with scales, but the power difference is too big.
16:25 : Vector?
16:27 : Color inversion from here.
16:27 : Didn’t it also invert when he fought the perverted underclassman in Bakemonogatari?
16:28 : Huh, my PC is acting up…
16:29 : Kaneki: “Emerald Ora Rush!!!!”
16:31 : Oh, did the monitor break?
16:32 : This is like when Koyomi had his organs pulled out by Kanbaru in Bakemonogatari.
16:33 : Was he a decoy?
16:35 : Can’t tell what’s happening.
16:37 : ※ Your monitor is functioning normally.
16:41 : Ora ora ora.
16:43 : The censorship is harsh.
16:44 : Gag ;;.
16:44 : Narancia?
16:45 : ※ Bad news: Kaneki defeats Nishiki in about 40 seconds after going all out.
16:48 : The censorship is tough.
16:49 : There’s blood everywhere.
16:50 : The dying performance here is good.
16:51 : Oh right, he got organs from someone strong…
16:52 : This guy reforms later, lol.
16:53 : My monitor broke ;;.
16:54 : Rize is erotic.
16:55 : It returned.
16:56 : Did he die?
16:57 : Censorship?
16:57 : If they’re going to censor it, they should change the scene composition.
16:58 : Pure white, lol.
17:00 : It’s not savory.
17:02 : Hanazawa-san is the best.
17:05 : Rize-san, lol, so persistent.
17:07 : Hungry Hanazawa-san… is that syrup?
17:08 : Erotic, lol.
17:08 : Savory?
17:12 : Rest in peace.
17:13 : Savory is a bit off, lol.
17:15 : Can’t ghouls eat each other?
17:16 : ← The setting is “it’s bad, but edible.”
17:18 : Rize-san is erotic.
17:19 : Erotic, erotic, erotic.
17:21 : S-Hanazawa-san is irresistible.
17:26 : From here, please enjoy the audio.
17:26 : Men are too muscular to taste good.
17:27 : Not Senjougahara, it’s Nadeko.
17:28 : It’s not Senjougahara’s voice because the voice actors are different, lol.
17:29 : The temptation of the brain wife is irresistible.
17:29 : ;;.
17:30 : Pressing against him.
17:32 : Erotic…
17:33 : Erotic.
17:33 : His left hand is… oh no (*´Д`).
17:34 : Erotic.
17:35 : Phew…
17:36 : Rize is erotic.
17:37 : Erotic.
17:38 : Erotic.
17:39 : Hanazawa-san is erotic.
17:40 : Erotic.
17:41 : Erotic, lol.
17:41 : Thanks for the material.
17:42 : Hanazawa-san, don’t tempt him, lol.
17:42 : Erotic.
17:43 : If only my fantasies had such a cute voice…
17:44 : Erotic.
17:44 : Yokoi-san is aggressive.
17:45 : Erotic.
17:45 : This is an anime to listen to with your eyes closed…
17:46 : Hanazawa-san is too erotic, lol.
17:46 : Erotic Hanazawa-san.
17:47 : Phew…
17:48 : Erotic lines.
17:48 : Is this reverse rape?
17:49 : Erotic.
17:49 : Hanazawa-san, lol.
17:50 : Her whispering is sexy… erotic!
17:51 : Hanazawa-san is erotic.
17:52 : Hanazawa-san is erotic, lol.
17:53 : Erotic, lol.
17:54 : Just listening to the words is erotic, lol.
17:55 : It’s so erotic.
17:56 : This part is very erotic.
17:59 : It’s see-through!
18:00 : Hanazawa-san is the best.
18:04 : I love this sequence.
18:06 : Looks like Peko-san.
18:08 : Stop it!
18:09 : Fujimiya-san.
18:16 : Friend!
18:22 : Hii ((∵;;).
18:33 : ← Reminds me of someone I know, so I’m curious.
18:34 : (´¬`) Drool.
18:35 : You’ve regretted something before… ;;.
18:41 : Has he experienced this before…?
18:44 : This part makes Touka-chan look kind of erotic…
18:47 : Erotic.
18:52 : Touka-chan looks cool here.
18:52 : I really like the deep voice here.
18:53 : Unknown ceiling.
18:54 : …It was all a dream.
18:54 : Uniform ryona play is irresistible, lol.
18:55 : It was a bad… dream.
19:00 : After.
19:01 : Canceled, lol.
19:02 : What, it was a dream?
19:06 : Well, it might be happier to die.
19:10 : He’s inviting him, lol.
19:13 : Tears from his eyes.
19:24 : Take off his shirt, lol.
19:28 : Can’t they steal a body from the hospital? They did that in Darren Shan.
19:43 : Where’s Hide’s left arm?
19:50 : Njio.
19:52 : Is this the place to talk about that?
20:02 : If dead bodies are fine, can’t they get them without killing?
20:08 : The flow of tears is too strange.
20:10 : It’s like a waterfall of tears.
20:11 : As expected of a half-ghoul, even tears flow weirdly.
20:12 : For some reason, he sounds like Masato Sakai… do their voices resemble each other?
20:13 : Too many tears.
20:14 : I’m the top!
20:14 : ;;.
20:15 : The manager’s right eye is the only one that’s a ghoul’s eye.
20:16 : The amount and flow of tears don’t make sense physically.
20:17 : The representation of drool and tears is the same.
20:18 : Drool and tears flow excessively.
20:19 : Too many tears.
20:20 : Tears are gel-like.
20:21 : Nowhere! (glancing around).
20:21 : The animation of the tears.
20:22 : Tears like a Ghibli movie.
20:23 : Tears are flowing everywhere.
20:24 : Both tears and drool are abnormally excessive.
20:27 : Hide will wake up.
20:28 : All the voice actors are amazing.
20:30 : It’s bright.
20:32 : What kind of tear flow is this…?
20:33 : That’s not true!
20:33 : When you become a ghoul, your tears increase.
20:34 : The manager is so kind it makes me cry.
20:35 : It’s tough.
20:37 : If only they could get specimens…
20:37 : Such sophistry, lol. As if they could eat both…
20:39 : It feels like a ray of hope.
20:41 : I like the manager.
20:41 : Can’t tell the difference between tears and drool.
20:42 : From here, it’s going to be a daily life anime!
20:45 : Will they show Kaneki entering hard mode?
20:46 : Manager (´;ω;`).
20:47 : The manager is kind.
20:48 : Touka-chan is cute.
20:49 : Not just living in the darkness.
20:50 : Eat the people from that country.
20:51 : Touka-chan’s hips are erotic.
20:53 : One-winged angel.
20:54 : Wonderful.
20:55 : If she’s injured, it means stopping the protagonist was tough.
20:57 : So cute.
20:58 : Touka-chan is calm.
21:00 : And both end up half-baked…
21:03 : Kaneki looks cute here.
21:04 :  (zzzzzzz).
21:04 : Master… (´;ω;`).
21:05 : I’ll make it bright…
21:08 : He was awake.
21:09 : Makes me cry.
21:09 : He was listening.
21:10 : Ah.
21:10 : I’d let Touka-chan break my fingers.
21:11 : Ah.
21:12 : Hiiieee.
21:12 : Hide really makes me cry.
21:13 : Hide, you… (crying).
21:15 : He was awake.
21:17 : Does Hide know everything?
21:17 : Amon, the perverted push-up investigator is here━(゚∀゚)━!!!
21:19 : The voice fits perfectly.
21:23 : Isn’t he the perverted investigator, lol.
21:24 : Perverted investigator, lol.
21:25 : The pervert who works out at his subordinate’s house, lol.
21:26 : The muscle-brained perverted investigator, lol.
21:27 : Ookawa-san’s voice is great, and Amon-kun looks cool.
21:27 : The pervert who does push-ups on his subordinate’s balcony.
21:29 : The voice matches perfectly, lol.
21:30 : The pervert who does push-ups on his subordinate’s balcony.
21:31 : Perverted investigator.
21:33 : Jason, lol.
21:34 : What if Hide is a ghoul too, lol.
21:35 : Ghoul hunting squad?
21:36 : Members of the CCG that Touka mentioned earlier.
21:39 : Perverted investigator.
21:40 : Madoka~.
21:41 : Scary, lol.
21:47 : Ah!
21:52 : Amon-kun.
21:56 : Nice muscle definition.
22:01 : Too perverted, lol.
22:01 : Ookawa-san’s performance is so good I forgot the plot, lol.
22:02 : Covering one volume in two episodes, the first part goes up to volume 8, wonder how it’ll turn out.
22:13 : If you think the anime will be good because the original was good, watch Brynhildr in the Darkness (tears).
22:16 : Madoka is cool and voiced by Ookawa-san, it’s perfect.
22:21 : A chant?
22:31 : The manga was good up to volume 8.
22:32 : Ishida’s color illustrations are amazing.
22:32 : The art is incredible.
22:36 : If you’re debating, buy it. You won’t regret it.
22:37 : I bought it!! It was really good.
22:39 : The art and music are top-notch.
22:41 : The main story and art are amazing.
22:43 : This part reminds me of Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei.
22:44 : Making me cry in episode 2…
22:50 : Hanamura is cool.
22:51 : MM is so cool! Even though he’s a pervert, lol.
22:52 : Hanamura… what a gourmet…
22:53 : Touka-chan was great.
22:54 : Dolce!!
22:55 : Where was the part that made you cry?
22:57 : ← Honestly, I didn’t see the crying part either.
22:59 : Looking forward to the gourmet pervert.
23:00 : I want to see the CCG in full armor, but no need to rush.
23:08 : Tsukiyama is always Tsukiyama, but Rize’s image isn’t stable.
23:09 : Not enough voice projection.
23:10 : Hinami’s arc will make you cry for sure.
23:11 : People is the best.
23:14 : Yuri vibes.
23:15 : Onee-sama~.
23:20 : Both the OP and ED are fantastic, but opinions vary.
23:22 : The OP is divisive. I think the direction is amazing, though.
23:24 : It was a good episode. I want to savor the aftertaste.
23:25 : It’s looking good. I’m looking forward to next week.
23:26 : It’s strange how differently the same magazine treats different series… (´;ω;`) Neko Santa.
23:28 : Hinami-chan, lick lick.
23:30 : Main story starts.
23:33 : !?
23:36 : There’s a bonus, lol.
23:37 : You can’t even taste crap.
23:41 : hxfg.
23:42 : Black Kaneki.
23:44 : Oh.
23:45 : Whispers, whispers.
23:48 : Hanazawa-san, lol.
23:49 : What? Something about scat and logic?
23:50 : Using the bonus manga at the end, lol. Is there enough time?
23:57 : The bonus is the best, lol.
23:57 : Well, if you put it downwind, it’ll stink.
23:58 : Hide, lol.
23:58 : The best, lol.
23:59 : What is this C, lol.
24:04 : Nice thighs.


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